What To Do If Your Family Member is Arrested for Drug Possession

May 15, 20233 min read

In North Carolina, drug possession is a serious offense. If your family member gets arrested for possessing drugs, they may face harsh penalties depending on the severity of the issue. That is why it is crucial to take proactive measures to build a strong legal case and help your loved one get out of this crisis. The first step to ensure this is to bring your family member home from jail. You can seek bail bonds in Wake County, Nc to facilitate their release and allow them to prepare for trial from home. Let’s break down everything you need to know for navigating this crisis.

How Does North Carolina Deal with Drug Possession Cases?

The statute in this state establishes the guidelines for dealing with drug possession charges. The state distinguishes between different categories of drugs based on their medical use, health implications, and addictiveness. The drugs are divided into six schedules, with Schedule I being the most dangerous and Schedule VI being the least problematic. Some examples of the common drugs in these schedules are as follows:

  • Schedule I- Dangerous substances, for example, heroin, LSD, peyote, and ecstasy.

  • Schedule II- Moderately dangerous drugs with limited medical use, for example, cocaine, hydrocodone, and morphine.

  • Schedule III- Drugs with significant potential for psychological dependence, for example, ketamine, barbiturates, and anabolic steroids.

  • Schedule IV- Drugs with medical use but considerable potential for dependence, for example, Valium, Xanax, and Rohypnol.

  • Schedule V-Drugs with medical use and limited potential for dependence, for example, cough syrups with codeine.

  • Schedule VI-Drugs with relatively low potential for abuse, for example, hashish and marijuana.

If the police find that a person possesses any drug in Schedules I to VI intentionally and unlawfully, they may arrest the individual and take them to jail. Simple possession is considered a misdemeanor. However, in the eyes of the law, possession with an intent to sell the substances is a felony offense.

The law in North Carolina also differentiates between active and constructive possession. Active possession means that the person had the drug on their body or inside their clothing. Constructive possession means that the police found the substance in a place where the defendant could potentially access it, like the dashboard of their car.

Steps to Take When Your Loved One Gets Arrested for Drug Possession

If you hear that your family member has been taken to jail on a drug possession charge, there are two things you must do on priority:

  • Contact a Reliable Bail Bond Company: The first thing to do is to bring your family member home so they can prepare for the next steps. The defendant can secure release by paying bail to the Court. However, since bail is expensive in most drug possession cases, people usually prefer to work with a bail bond company. A bail bond service can arrange bail bonds in Wake County, and help you facilitate the release process. They can guide you through the bail formalities and help you minimize the stress as you navigate this crisis.

  • Hire an Experienced Lawyer: Once your family member comes home, you should arrange for good legal representation to help them prepare for trial. An experienced lawyer can give them the right legal guidance to ensure the best possible outcome considering the circumstances of the case.

For more information on bail bonds in Wake County, NC, Contact a trusted bail bond provider today!

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